Up 黃廷方獎學金 / Ng Teng Fong Scholarship Slideshow

為紀念信和集團及遠東機構創辦人黃廷方先生,繼承發揚黃廷方先生勸善修德、扶貧濟困、樂善好施、奉獻社會之美德,扶助品學兼優的貧寒子弟接受更好的教育,自 2015 年開始,由「黃廷方慈善基金」設立「黃廷方獎學金」,旨在嘉許品學兼優且家境清貧的中學生。 今年獲獎的為5C班何俊豪同學,他品學兼優,積極上進,實至名歸。

In commemoration of Mr. Ng Teng Fong, the founder of Sino Group in Hong Kong and Far East Organization in Singapore, and in accordance with his values of advocating virtue and morality, assisting the poor and disadvantaged, promoting philanthropy, and contributing to society, the Ng Teng Fong Charitable Foundation established the " Ng Teng Fong Scholarship " in 2015. The scholarship aims to support academically excellent and financially disadvantaged students to receive an encouragement. This year, the recipient of the award is student Ho Chun-ho from Class 5C. He has demonstrated outstanding academic performance, a proactive attitude, and is truly deserving of this recognition.


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