Up 敬師頒獎典禮 / Teacher’s Day and Commendation Certificate Presentation Ceremony Slideshow

師者,所以傳道、授業、解惑也。於惠僑英文中學任教的崔小婷老師與Ms. Rabiaa Bibi秉持啓蒙學生成長的信念,其中對教育的熱枕與專業獲得敬師運動委員會大力表揚。在此再次表揚崔老師與Ms. Rabiaa,樹立楷模,值得惠僑一眾教師學習。

Teachers not only deliver knowledge, but also guide students through their doubts. Ms. Chui Siu-ting and Ms. Rabiaa Bibi are dedicated to enlighten students’ development, and their passion and expertise in education are highly commended by the Committee on Respect Our Teachers Campaign. Here we would like to express admiration for Ms. Chui and Ms. Rabiaa for establishing a role model for teachers in Wai Kiu College.


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