香港少年領袖團C中隊於七月九日於烈日晴空下舉行見習學員畢業會操2023,本屆畢業會操亦為疫情後首次復辦,並由惠僑英文中學校長 鄭智賢榮譽少校 M.H.擔任檢閱長官,檢閱本年度共30名畢業學員。聯課活動主任陳銘雄老師亦有代表本校出席。 經過一年透過艱辛及富挑戰性和具軍旅特色的訓練,協助青少年發展其個人品格及領導才能,及培育他們的責任感、自信心、應變力、耐力、毅力和服務精神,深信畢業學員定能成為負責任和守法的公民,為香港社會作出正面貢獻。 另外,本年度 最佳見習學員 由本校3C 王少朋學員奪得。 On July 9th, 2023, under the scorching sun, the C Squadron of the Hong Kong Adventure Corps held their passing out parade for the Recruits Cadet members. This year's parade marks the first post-pandemic graduation parade and was inspected by Honorary Major Cheng Chi-yin M.H. the principal of Wai Kiu College. A total of 30 Recruits Cadet members were passing out this year. Mr. Chan Ming-hung, the Panel head of Exrat-curricular activities, also represented our school at the event. After a year of rigorous and challenging military-style training, the Hong Kong Adventure Corps has assisted young people in developing their personal character and leadership qualities, as well as cultivating their sense of responsibility, confidence, adaptability, endurance, perseverance, and service spirit. We firmly believe that the Cadet members will become responsible and law-abiding citizens who will make positive contributions to Hong Kong society. In addition, this year's Best Recruits Award was awarded to 3C Wong Siu-pang from our school. |
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