Details of ‘Project of Phoenix’


(1). Purpose

1. To provide students with the opportunity to reform and rehabilitate and let students take the initiative to face the mistakes

2. To cultivate students' self-discipline spirit.

3. To ease the effect of the recurrence of the vicious circle.

4. To promote the spirit of education and forgiveness.

5. To instill students with positive attitude towards life and make up for their mistakes.


(2). Eligibility

1. Students who are marked with one demerit can apply.

2. Applications must be submitted within one week after the demerit is issued. No applications will be accepted after the due date.

3.Students can only apply for the project once for each school term.

(3). How to apply

1. Students can submit their application to the counseling assistant after being recommended by the Guidance Master, Discipline Mistress, Counselling Teachers, Discipline Teachers or Class Teachers.

2. If the application is approved, students must fill in the ‘Good People and Good Deeds’ record (at least 15 items completed) OR ‘Good People and Good Deeds’ record (at least 10 items completed) and participate in the "Make-up Workshop" (3 volunteer training/services) and be assessed afterwards. 3. The demerit can be offset if the students can meet the relevant requirements. 4. The school has the final decision for all applications.  

Details of ‘Project of Phoenix’

(4). Assessment process

1. Students need to collect the ‘Project of Phoenix’ record from the counselling assistant within one week after the issuance of the demerit.

2. Students must first complete Part A of the application, and invite the teacher to complete Part B for recommendation.

3. Students must fill in all the information and dates in the ‘Good People and Good Deeds’ record and ask the teachers for signatures as the proof. (‘Good People and Good Deeds’ include: serving teachers, serving the school, being respectful to teachers, etc.)

4. Students should keep the record well after compromising with the counselling assistant on the assessment date for participating in the ‘Make-up Workshop’.

5. During the assessment period, students are required to attend every session of the ‘Make-up Workshop’ (after-school activities arranged by the social worker of the co-organizers). (Purposes of the ‘Make-up Workshop’: to establish positive interpersonal relationships, to respect oneself and others'. Students need to serve in school or out of school).

6. The ‘Make-up Workshop’ is conducted in small groups. Students are graded each time for their performance and continuous improvement. Students should not arrive late or leave early without permission or proper reasons.

7. Students must be evaluated and recorded by the social worker after each session of the ‘Make-up Workshop’.

8. The evaluation record must be checked and signed by the parents.

9. After completing the entire assessment process, students must return the record sheet to the counseling assistant for follow-up.

10. If students violate the same school rule for the second time during the assessment period, the school has the right to terminate the assessment immediately.

11. Students cannot apply for this project again in the same school term if the assessment fails.

12. The record of demerit will be cancelled by the Discipline Mistress if the assessment is successfully completed. Students’ conduct mark and study performance mark may be added subject to the Guidance Master’s evaluation and discretion.


(一). 推行目的


1. 讓學生有改過自新機會及讓學生主動和積面對錯失

2. 培養學生自律精神

3. 減少惡性循環出現

4. 發揮教育及寛恕精神

5. 讓學生以正面、積極的處事態度將功補過

(二). 規則

1. 學生違反學校校規而被紀錄缺點處分,均可提出申請。

2. 學生須要於授受處分後一星期內提出申請,逾期都將喪失功過相抵的機會。

3. 於每學期內,只可對一項缺點申請參加計劃一次。 (

三). 申請方法

1. 學生須獲訓、輔導主任、各級訓、輔導老師或班主任推薦,並向輔導助理提出申請。

2. 如申請獲批准,同學必須填寫「好人好事紀錄」(至少完成15項)或填寫「好人好事紀錄」(至少完成10項)及參加「補過工作坊」(3次義工訓練/服務),並接受評估。

3. 學生如能完成有關要求,便可抵消紀錄。

4. 所有申請,校方有最後決定權。

(四). 評估過程

1. 學生在接受缺點一星期內先向輔導助理領取「火鳳凰計劃」記錄表。

2. 學生須先填妥申請甲部,並請班主任推薦及填妥乙部。

3. 學生須將「好人好事紀錄表」內之各項資料、日期填妥,並由老師簽署作實。(「好人好事」包括:替老師服務、替學校服務、尊重老師等事件)

4. 輔導助理與該生共同訂出參加「補過工作坊」之評估日期,並將記錄表交予學生。

5. 評估期間,學生須出席每節的「補過工作坊」(由協辦機構社工安排的課後活動)。(「補過工作坊」目的:建立正面人際關係、尊重自己及他人的義工訓練及需於校內服務或校外義工服務)

6. 「補過工作坊」以小組形式進行,學生每次表現須獲評分及須獲評估有否持續改善,如無特別原因不得遲到、早退。

7. 學生須於每節「補過工作坊」後,由協辦機構社工評估及作紀錄。

8. 評估紀錄需交家長檢查並簽署作實。

9. 完成整個評估過程,學生須將紀錄表交回輔導助理跟進。

10. 評估期間,學生如再犯同一錯誤,校方有權立即終止計劃。

11. 凡計劃失敗,不得於該學期再次申請參加計劃。

12. 凡計劃成功,訓導主任將註銷該生紀錄表上之相應過失,需經輔導主任檢討後,學生則可以加回相應的勤學分/操行分。